Do you want to be at the forefront of research and development of digital health technologies? Do you want to partner and network with the world’s leading researchers and professionals in signal processing, computational science, mathematics, statistics, big data analysis, wearable sensors, gait analysis, human movement science, biomechanics, epidemiology, regulatory affairs, ethics, patient involvement, human factors, patient recorded outcomes, and psychology? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then our new initiative MobilNOR might be what you and your organization are looking for!
Our main objective is to increase Norwegian awareness and participation in Horizon Europe, EU4Health, and the Innovative Health Initiative, with special focus on the Mobilise-D Consortium. The Mobilise-D Consortium is a Public-Private partnership funded by the European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The overall aim of Mobilise-D is to develop and validate a sensor-algorithm solution to remotely measure and monitor changes in mobility in the real world using a low-cost digital device. This device produces digital mobility outcomes that can inform therapeutic development, clinical diagnosis and practice, precision medicine, industrial development, and stakeholder approval. We want to share the Mobilise-D work with relevant Norwegian institutions and organizations and create opportunities for new partnerships and international collaboration.
MobilNOR is a collaborative initiative between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and St. Olav Hospital, with a two-year finance from The Research Council of Norway. The Principal Investigator of MobilNOR is Professor Beatrix Vereijken who is also member of the Mobilise-D Project Executive.
The MobilNOR network will bring together Norwegian stakeholders with knowledge and expertise about digital health and digital sensor technology by organizing different network activities. Planned network activities are network seminars, workshop demonstrations about applying the assessment technology in the clinic and healthcare, and a conference showcasing the Mobilise-D results and establish international collaborations. By hosting these events, we want additional Norwegian academic and medical institutions to benefit from access to the Mobilise-D project and its results. This will give you first-hand knowledge about how to implement digital mobility assessment in the clinic, and it will give you an increased awareness of IHI/IMI as one of the world’s largest funding schemes for medical research. We hope this will result in the development of joint research and novel digital technology solutions that will benefit patient assessment and follow-up in Norway.
If you want to know more about MobilNOR, please visit
You can also follow us on Twitter (@MobilNor) and LinkedIn (@MobilNOR).
We look forward to collaboration and good interactions!
On behalf of the MobilNOR project,
Beatrix Vereijken
Mara Diaconu
Martin Aursand Berge